Frequently Asked Questions

Are these images really free?

Yes, the images hosted by this site are provided to you free of cost. You may use these images for any use you would like and you'll never owe us a dime. It's as simple as that.

How do I save...?

To save downloadable content simple right click on the link ie: "SVG" "JPEG" "96x96" and select "Save As" then choose a location and save the file. You may also follow the link so that the image is the only thing displayed on the page. Then you will select "Save" or "Save page as." from your browser's toolbar and choose the location you would like to save the file as. For more information on SVG vs JPEG please read the "What's the difference between SVG and JPG?" section of the FAQ.

I downloaded a cell phone wallpaper, how do I use it?

We provide you with a variety of cell phone wallpaper images and sizes to download and transfer to your phone yourself. We do not support sending the image to your phone via a picture or text message. However, if you have a Bluetooth enabled phone and a bluetooh device for your computer it can be as simple as dragging and dropping a file. If you do not, there are other websites in existence that will permit you to upload a file to send to your cell phone, or you may purchase a Data Cable and use special software to transfer files to and from your cell phone in that manner.

Are other countries going to have extras such as Buddy Icons, Avatars, Desktop Wallpapers and Cell Phone Wallpapers?

Currently we are including buddy icons, avatars, desktop wallpaper, cell phone wallpaper and screen savers for select popular countries. If we receive enough requests for additional countries we will be encouraged to create additional content. You may also submit artwork to be included on these pages. To do so please read "I have artwork I'd like to submit, who do I send it to?" section of the FAQ.

I have artwork I would like to submit, who do I send it to?

Feel free to submit any artwork you would like included in this site to the email address listed at the bottom right of each page. Use the subject line "Flag Pictures Artwork." We may or may not utilize this artwork, however once you've sent us the artwork we assume you have given us the rights to release this to the public domain. The image may be used for any purpose by anyone who downloads the content and you will never see royalties from this image. If you are submitting artwork please submit it in the format suitable for the image. If you are submitting a flag please submit it as a SVG file, if you are submitting a buddy icon or avatar we will also need a thumbnail sized 100 x 50 pixels.

What is the difference between SVG and JPG?

At, we've got vector flag art for over 200 countries and extra's for our more popular countries. To download the vector art select the "SVG" option to the left of the flag. You may also download a high resolution JPG file which will display easily on the web, as your desktop background or other options. In order to edit the "SVG" or scalable vector graphic, you'll need a program like Adobe Illustrator that can work with vector images. The fantastic thing about vector artwork is that no matter how large you want the image to be it will scale up without degrading the quality of the image. You may right click on the link SVG or JPEG and select "save as" from the menu, or follow the link and select "Save Page as..." on the following page.

Flag Pictures! Free vector print ready downloadable flags of the world!
Popular flags and Search by Region!